Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Flat World?

What do you see as the greatest challenge facing the field of education, your state, and your school site in properly preparing for the 'flat world'? 

I don't see the world as flat. If I did I would render myself hopeless, and just be satisfied with the status quo. I have an opportunity to make an impact each and every day. No matter how seeming insignificant that triumph may look to others. I know that I have reached out and dug deep to make the difference to at least one student.

Over time, the ripple effect will be felt. I have faith that I am here to do something meaningful. It's isn't about me, but what I get in return fills me up and keeps me going. This is not to say that I don't get tired. I do. Some days I am exhausted and wonder what the future hold for these kids who would be lost in the shuffle if not for the minority out here who really, really care. Is the world flat to them? Maybe. Where would they be without a leader to be their advocate and carve out a plan?

The saying, "You're makin' a silk purse out of a sow's ear," was one that I often heard growing up. I never really thought about it much. It's just the right thing to do. It still is. When we make the most of what we've got we are better for it. More importantly, so are the causes and people that we support.

I'm not too worried about MAP scores, or the changes in education, or in society for that matter. I have made a conscious choice with my eyes wide open to make a difference, every day. Maybe then, the world will no longer be flat. It never was to me anyway. When we dig deep, and stand united, we can promote the changes that our collective heart desires. I believe this is true. Do you?

As we merge toward CCSS (Common Core State Standards) we will have more unity. With more unity will come more impact. Together we can make it happen. None of us is smarter than all of us.
Together we have the strength to reach the goals that we have for our students, and individually, so long as we stay focused and remain true to our beliefs.


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