Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Action Research Demystified

The purpose of this posting is to define action research and traditional research and to describe appropriate uses for each. Included within this definition will be examples of how action research relates to classroom or work environment.

Action Research Defined
The word “research” can cause a deeply rooted reaction of fear that can sometimes cause an onset of avoidance and procrastination. Immediate thoughts jump to a tedious and time consuming  project that is dull, and will probably take just about a day longer than forever!  So, what is there to do about this? Well, for openers, let’s clarify what action research is and isn’t.
Although there are many types of research that may be undertaken, action research specifically refers to a disciplined inquiry done by a teacher with the intent that the research will inform and change his or her practices in the future. This research is carried out within the context of the teacher's environment– that is, with the students and at the school in which the teacher works– on questions that deal with educational matters at hand. (Ferrance, 2000)
Action research is very different than the “research” we are accustomed to thinking about. It is a very effective tool that is used to solve problems. It can be used about anywhere; not just in education. 
The mindset is more concentrated on problem solving as a means to improve, not necessarily as a process to fix something that’s broken. This requires input and critical thinking from everyone involved; and it is free from blame and bias. So, the result is that students, as well as teachers and administrators, are invited to add their input at various, seemingly random points of the problem solving– or should I say “solution finding process.”
The founding father of action research and social psychologist, Kurt Lewin, was said to work in a “non-linear pattern of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting on the changes in the social situations” (Ferrance 2000 p. 7, cited from Noffke & Stevenson, 1995, p.2). Lewin’s idea of using research in a natural setting to change the way that the researcher interacts with that setting dates back to America in the 1940’s. “Lewin is credited with coining the term ‘action research’ to describe work that did not separate the investigation from the action needed to solve a problem” (McFarland & Stansell, 1993, p.14).  
Action research is a “quest for knowledge about how to improve” (Ferrance, 2000). In relation to teaching, action research is teachers, or individuals, wanting to improve his or her skills, approaches, strategies, and abilities as they relate to a common and mutually desired goal. Action research is how we can do something better, and change our teaching and instructional skills to benefit our students and our practices incrementally, individually and collectively. These efforts may be combined in ways that facilitate a growth mindset that propels positive momentum, and in the process reduces redundancy of efforts.

What is Action Research?
According to Eileen Ferrance (2000), “Action research is a process in which participants examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, using techniques of research. It is based on the following assumptions:

Stephen Corey at Columbia University was one of the first people to use action research as it relates to educational practices. He believed that if teachers were involved in the research using the scientific method they would be more likely to apply this information that they found. “We are convinced that the disposition to study… the consequences of our own teaching is more likely to change and improve our practices than reading about what someone else has discovered about teaching” (Covey, 1953, p. 70). Later, in the 1950’s, this method was attacked for being unscientific and was basically regarded as little more than common sense. Over time this approach has come in and out of favor, and like most things it continues to change a bit with every iteration.

Steps in Action Research

Within each definition of action research there are four basic themes:

1.     Empowerment of participants
2.     Collaboration through participation
3.     Acquisition of knowledge
4.     Social change
As research is conducted actively, routines are structured as data is collected continuously. There are five phases in which these routines are set in motion:

TIPS to follow using the six steps in action research cycle:

1.  Identify a Problem Area–
o   State a higher ordered question (nota yes or no conclusion)
o   Question must be in common language
o   Question must be concise
o   Inquiry must be meaningful
o   Question must not already be answered

2.  Gather Data–
o   Decide what types of data will be collected
o   Utilize multiple, credible, sources
o   Decide which sources are appropriate
o   Triangulate the data (use at least three) for the basis of actions
o   Organize the data in a useful way (e.g., gender, classroom, grade level, school, etc.)

3. Interpret Data–
o  Analyze and identify major themes (e.g., classroom data, individual data, or subgroup data)
o  Quantifiable data to analyze will not need statistics or technical assistance
o  Other data (e.g., opinions, attitudes, or checklists) may be summarized in table form
o  Unquantifiable data can be viewed holistically
o  Important elements or themes can be noted

4. Act on Evidence–
o  Use the information from the data
o  Review current literature
o  Design a plan of action (with flexibility margins for changing one variable at a time)
o  Document and continue collecting evidence

5. Evaluate Results–
o  Assess the steps of intervention taken
o  Determine if improvement has occurred

6. Determine Next Steps–
o  Reflect on findings
o  Evaluate and identify additional questions raised by the data
o  Plan for improvements, revisions, and next steps


Appropriate uses for action research dependent on the participants involved.
For example, in the school environment an action research may involve a single teaching investigating a particular issue in his or her classroom (e.g., classroom management, teaching strategies, or student learning), a group of teachers working on a common problem, or a team of teachers and others focusing on a school-wide or district-wide issue. Additionally, studies have proven that teacher’s perceptions and attitudes toward leadership improve when action research was utilized in the teacher’s professional development (Meyers & Dillard, n.d.).
School and community issues may be collaboratively addressed and supported by community partners, as well as anyone who this particular issue affects. These issues may include anything from park and common use areas improvement and beautification, to the war against drugs and violence and everything in between. Teams of staff or community members work together to narrow down the issues, and collectively come to effective solutions more efficiently. These same issues may be addressed outside of the school setting for the benefit of all who are concerned with solving the issues at hand.



Cylindrical coordinate system. (2015). Retrieved from

Ferrance, E. (2000). Action Research. Providence, RI: Brown University. Retrieved from
http://www.brown.edu/academics/education alliance/sites/brown.edu.academics.education-alliance/files/publications/act_research.pdf

Haung, H. B. (2010). Editorial: Action research contribution to education: Inviting the global community to new ARJ community social networking efforts Action Research, 8(2), 115-116.

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